
Am Can Bra Swe Den Nor Nord Int, DK, DKKL CH. BIS Ch.Wenrick’s Hollywood Sequel



Sire: BIS BISS World Int Can Am Mex It Pol Lux Ch Wenrick’s Hollywood Hit ROM
Dam: Am Can Ch Wenrick’s Winterholme Amazed

“Billie” is now in Norway with good friend and fellow breeders Laila and Anne Britt.
“Billie” returned from Brazil where he had a spectacular career in the show ring with 5 All Breed Best In Shows. He was the # 1 Shih Tzu in Brazil for 2004. Thank you to Eduardo and Luis for taking such great care of Billie while in Brazil.
Billie is co bred with Wendy Howard of Winterholme Shih Tzu.