Richard Paquette- All Breed Judge
*Richard* has been a dedicated figure in the world of purebred dogs since 1971. Beginning his journey primarily with Shih Tzu under the kennel name Wenrick, he has expanded his expertise over the years to include breeds such as Lakeland Terriers, Whippets, Samoyeds, Pekingese, Afghans, Salukis, Brussels Griffon, Maltese and Wire Fox Terriers. However, his primary focus has always remained on Shih Tzu and Lakeland Terriers. Richard is passionate about Junior Handling and has supported and promoted them throughout his career. One of his favourite judging assignments is always being given the privilege to judge them at every opportunity.
Throughout his illustrious career, Richard has produced over 250 Canadian Champions, 175 American Champions, 20 Best in Show winners, and 12 National Specialty winners. As a professional dog handler for 15 years, Richard achieved remarkable success, finishing over 500 champions in 80 different breeds and securing more than 150 All Breed Best in Shows across 16 different breeds.
Among his many accolades, Richard owned and piloted the Lakeland Terrier, “Danny” (Am Can Bda Ch Jamelyn’s Second Edition), to the prestigious title of #1 All Breeds in Canada in 1989. Another standout achievement includes his Shih Tzu, “Panda” (Am Can Ch Wenrick’s Don’t Stop Believing), winning the Toy Group First at the Westminster Kennel Club show at Madison Square Garden in 2016.
Richard’s commitment to the dog community extends beyond the show ring. He has served on the executives of various All Breed and Specialty breed clubs and currently holds the position of President of the Canadian Shih Tzu Club. His leadership roles also include serving on the Board of the Canadian Kennel Club. In recognition of his contributions, Richard has been awarded Life Memberships in the Canadian Kennel Club, the Sudbury & District Kennel Club, and the Canadian Shih Tzu Club, as well as an Honorary Membership in the Canadian Professional Handlers Association. A CKC Licensed All Breed judge, Richard is a founding member of the Canadian Dog Judges Association (CDJA) and a member of the American Dog Judges Association (ADSJA).
His judging expertise is sought after worldwide, having judged In addition to Canada and the USA, he has judged in Australia, New Zealand, Bermuda, Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Colombia, Chile, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nicaragua Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, China, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Ghana, Uganda, South Africa, Greece, Israel, Spain, Denmark, Italy, Finland, Latvia, Croatia, Russia, Sweden and Ireland.
Richard is licensed by the Canadian Kennel Club for ALL BREEDS.
Contact Number- +1 705-698-9148