Am. Can. BIS BISS Ch. Wenrick's Chassen Rainbows, Can & Am ROM "Chase"
“Chase” has made an impressive impact on the Shih Tzu breed in a very short time. Not only is he a Multi Best In Show Winner and Specialty winner himself but he has produced many Best In Show and Specialty winning children and grandchildren.
“Chase” was not the product of an accidental breeding but was a result of a conscious effort to bring in some new blood to the Wenrick line by searching out dogs that were similar in type as ours and had similar dogs in the background. Kathy Kwait’s dogs most suited our needs and her pedigrees had similar dogs as the pedigrees of our best producing bitches.
We leased Am Ch Tu Chu’s Sky’s The Limit and brought him to Canada where we finished his Canadian Championship in short order and bred him selectively to some of our bitches.

“Chase ” has sired 40 Canadian Champions and 15 American Champions as well as many foreign Champions. He has also produced five different Best In Show kids and numerous specialty winners. The most important word to describe his offspring is consistent. In the last five years his children have been in the major ribbons at the National specialties in both the USA and Canada. They all have beautiful, luxurious coats on top of sound bodies, typical teacup tails, flowing movement and winning temperaments.
The first daughter to take the spotlight at the American Nationals was Am Can Ch. Wenrick’s Whispering Willows who was Best In Sweeps at the 1991 ASTC National in Oregon. . At the 1992 ASTC National in Michigan “Devon”, Am Can BISS Ch. Wenrick’s Divine Rainbows was Winners Bitch.
The following year another “Chase” son , Am/Can BIS Ch. Ashbury’s Rainbow At Wenrick was Best Of Winners at the National in California. In Florida at the 1994 ASTC National Best Of Winners went to AmCanLux Ch. Wenrick’s Calling All Rainbows. The same year another “Chase” daughter Am Ch. Shansi Asplundl Bei Jing owned by Pat Martello (“Chase’s” biggest fan ) was Best of Opposite Sex. At the 1995 ASTC National in Utah Can Ch Bei Jing’s Intrepid Shansi was Reserve Winners Dog and another “Chase” son, Am/Can BISS BIS Ch. Wenrick’s On A Rainbow Cruise won the first Award Of Merit. Too numerous to mention are the many children and now grandchildren who consistently share the limelight as strong contenders in any classes where his progeny are easily recognized including Westminister where “Chase” as well as two of his daughters have received Awards of Merit and where a “Chase” grandson “Bad” was Best of Breed. All of the above dogs have also been major winners at the various regional specialties throughout Canada and the USA.