It is with great sadness that we announce that “Jay Z’ passed away
suddenly due to complications with Blastomycosis. He will be missed.
Am Can WORLD Mex Ch of Americas Ch Wenrick's Music Of The Night
"Jay Z"
In October 2009, Jay Z received his haircut marking his retirement from the show ring. Thank You Jay Z and Jody….you both did us proud.
“Jay Z was awarded the prestigious Bon D’Art Award from the American Shih Tzu Club for being the Best Opposite Sex winner to the #1 Shih Tzu for 2008 at the American National Specialty Awards dinner in Oklahoma City in May 2009..
Jay Z shown winning Group 2nd under judge Elaine Whitney at the Kennesaw KC in October 2008.
“Jay Z” shown winning Best In Specialty Show at the South Eastern Michigan Shih Tzu Club Specialty on September 6, 2008. Thank you judge Janice Mercer.
Jay Z Group 1st Muncie KC August 2008
Jay Z shown winning an Award Of Merit at the Prestigious Westminster KC Shows February 2008. Thank you judge Mr. Robert Curtis from Australia and handler/daughter Jody!!!!
Reserve BEST IN SHOW- Judge Hans Mueller.
Jay Z attends the World Dog Show in Mexico, May 2007 and finishes his World, Mexican and Ch of Americas titles in style by winning a RESERVE BEST IN SHOW and Best Of Breed at the World Show.
Thank You Judge Ralph Lemkie. Handled by Jody Paquette
Canadian National Shih Tzu Specialty
Best Of Winners- Judge Edd Biven September 16, 2006
Handled by Jody Paquette
Canadian National Shih Tzu Specialty Best In Sweepstakes- Judge Robert Denis September 16, 2006