
St John's, Newfoundland May 17-24, 2006

Avalon Kennel Club Shows
The dog show day had finally arrived and we loaded the car for the short drive to the local curling club for the All Breed shows sponsored by the Avalon Kennel Club. The shows in this remote area are quite small and two All Breed shows are held simultaneously in separate rings each day. The Shih Tzu entry was small and further diminished with a few dogs ‘unexplainably absent’. Melody managed to win winners female and Remi won the breed as well as Group First at both showings. A lovely female puppy Kenkarken’s Touched By An Angel bred, owned and handled by Edna Knight was Best Puppy in Breed and Group at the two shows. Jenny also won Best In Group with her Pug “Max”. The exhibitors at the dog show were for the most part exceptionally friendly and welcoming. We had a great time meeting with and renewing friendships with fellow breeders and exhibitors we had met on our previous visits and when they had ventured off the ‘rock’ and visited shows in our area. We finally had the pleasure of meeting Randy Street of Glaranik Shih Tzu and his lovely wife Gladys in person after having bred dogs with and handled for him for decades. Also attending but showing a Pom were Jeannette and Richard Whelan of Jenric Shih Tzu. Another face from the past was Jane Francis of Rambuttan Shih Tzu who has been involved with the breed since we began almost 35 years ago.
Best In Show at the first show with judge John Ross was a lovely American Cocker Spaniel Ch CCrew Featherstep Dark Secret owned by Peter & Marilyn Drake and the second Best awarded by judge Dr. Michael Woods went to the handsome Samoyed Ch Vanderbilt’s Playin’ It Cool owned by Judi and Blair Elford.
After Best In Show we had to rush to our reservation at Majestic Dinner Theatre for the Spirit Of Newfoundland’s production of ‘Every Joan Dick & Harry’ an entertaining rendition of Newfoundland songs and dance honoring former greats Joan Morrissey, Dick Nolan and Harry Hibbs.We enjoyed a scrumptious dinner beginning with a salad of mixed spring greens with mushrooms, almonds and a tangy balsamic vinaigrette followed by a chicken breast ‘a la Suisse’ accompanied by seasoned roast potatoes and honey glazed vegetables. The musical comedy had an unexpected cast member change when Richard was plucked from the audience to participate in the antics. He out did himself with his instrument ‘the spoons’ and dancing up a storm with ‘Joan’ much to the pleasure and excitement of the crowd. It was then home to bed with songs and tunes humming in our minds after a very fun filled evening.
Day two of the dog show had arrived and the weather was not the highlight of the day. It was raining and cold and thank heavens we were in a cozy indoor venue. Melody was again winners female, Remi won the group at the first showing and Edna repeated her win with her puppy. Max the Pug also won a Group 1st. Long time local breeder Delores O’Reilly of Terdel Shih Tzu came by the show to complete the attendance of all the major Newfoundland breeders of significance.
For lunch we could not resist tasting again the offerings of fish and chips from Ches’s Restaurant and ordered it in again for lunch complete with gravy and dressing. DELICIOUS…………
Best in Show at the 3rd show with judge Butch MacDonald was a striking Akita Am Can Ch Beardusk’s Fatal Attraction owned by Ed Wilson. The last Best In Show was won by a stellar Siberian Husky Ch. PVT STK’s Almost Famous owned by Christa Sutton Ralph with judge Dave Eadie.
It was then back to Wendy’s to unwind and enjoy another culinary feast that Wendy had planned. We started with Thai Golden Purse Hors D’oeuvres, Taquitos, salsa dip and a made from scratch ‘to die for’ homemade guacamole dip all washed down with some cold ‘Coronas’ with lime. The weather was cold and damp so we lit a fire in the family room fireplace and slumbered in the cozy warmth. Next was a spectacular spinach salad with strawberries and caramelized almonds in a balsamic vinaigrette washed down with ‘the drink of the night’ …. Green Apple Martinis. The main course was Tropical Grilled Salmon done on the barbecue smothered with a mango and peach chutney with a side of harvest medley rice with a selection of wines from the Howard’s well stocked collection. We capped the evening off with a chocolate fudge eruption cake that Wendy’s good friend had prepared and sweet Disaronno liqueur and coffee….sleep came easily after yet another perfect day.