
St John's, Newfoundland May 17-24, 2006

One of the ‘perks’ of working with Wendy Howard of Winterholme Shih Tzu is that we had an excellent ‘excuse’ to fly to the beautiful province of Newfoundland on Canada’s most eastern coast. We needed to grade and make decisions concerning two litters of “Jack” Am Col Ch. Hallmark Jolei Jacks R’Better puppies and decided to visit the weekend of the local All Breed shows sponsored by the Avalon Kennel Club. With Jenny in tow we were off with “Remi” BIS Am Can Col Ch. Wenrick’s Affair To Remembre and “Melody” owned by Kai of Hearty Shih Tzu in Thailand. Jenny also brought along her Pug special “Max”.

We arrived at dinner time and apart from what ‘could have been a disastrous’ mistake by Jenny, all went well. Jenny had managed to forget her purse on the baggage cart and did not notice until we arrived at Wendy’s home. It was a mad dash back to the airport and a happy ending when the purse was in ‘lost and found’ safe and sound….a great testament to the friendly people of this majestic island province. After a great dinner of spaghetti with ‘Wendy’s famous homemade’ sauce accompanied by a potent caesar salad and toooo much wine we watched the puppies romp around the kitchen and caught up on ‘news’. Richard was arriving on a ‘red eye’ flight in the wee hours of the morning and appreciated the personal service afforded him by Wendy who had insisted on picking him up at the airport in person in true ‘Newfoundland’ hospitality.

The morning started off in a ‘lazy fashion’ as we had a leisurely breakfast and chatted and joked. Wendy H. gave Jenny a treat of a new set of nails, a new side career she had recently embarked on. After a power lunch of various deli meats and cheeses accompanied with condiments, wine and an assortment of Italian breads freshly baked that morning, we then left to do a little sight-seeing which started off at the Marine Science Center which had harp seals for exhibition in an outdoor facility. It was then on to the small fishing village of Quidi Vidi and their local brewery where Jenny picked up a variety of their specialty beers for her father.

Historic Signal Hill was next but unfortunately mother nature didn’t cooperate and it was blanketed with fog which obstructed the view of the expansive Atlantic Ocean. We ventured to the next ‘must see’ of the Lower Battery which was built during WWII to protect the Narrows at the entrance to St John’s harbour. Jenny and Wendy had fun horsing around on the cannon which hovered over the cliff. Down in the downtown section of town, two of Canada’s native breeds, the Newfoundland Dog and the Labrador Retriever were part of a historical park display.

We returned home for a a quick change and check of the dogs and headed back downtown for an evening of ‘fun and frolic’ in one of the most concentrated ‘Pub and Hot Spot districts’ in Canada known as ‘George’s Street”. We started at a traditional Irish pub ‘Bridie Molloys” for a delicious meal which included fresh bacon-wrapped scallops, hot wings, Irish stew, chicken florentine and shrimp stir fry. This was all enjoyed while live music was supplied by a local Newfoundland Irish band.

Next was an infamous bar, Trapper John’s where Jenny would partake in becoming an honorary Newfoundlander with the ceremonial ‘Screeching In’. The initiation included the speaking of ‘Newfinese’. When asked “Is ye a Newfoundlander?”, to which she would reply “Indeed, I is, me old cock, and long may your big jib draw”. Meaning “Yes, I am my good friend and may your sails always be filled with wind.” A wish for good fortune. This is followed with a shot of Newfoundland’s rum, Screech and the kissing of a puffin arse. Jenny was a great sport about it and was given a certificate attesting she was indeed an honorary ‘Newfoundlander’.

The Martini bar across the street was the next stop on our ‘bar slumming’ adventure and we enjoyed many rounds of different drinks in our impossible quest to try out each one. This was in a popular and crowded venue which featured a ‘live band’ and dancing. Jenny had an opportunity to meet Jason Greeley a ‘Top 3’ contestant in the 2004 ‘Canadian Idol’ show who chatted her up. It was getting to be the wee hours of the morning and we taxied to another St John’s favorite, Ches’s Fish and Chips restaurant to refuel our beverage soaked bodies with some solid food. We enjoyed some authentic Atlantic ‘fish and chips’ to appease our ravenous appetites before heading home to bed after a tremendously enjoyable evening. Wendy Howard had outdone herself in the ‘hospitality department’ as she promised several more days of ‘let your hair down’ activity in the days to come.

The rather seasonably cold weather improved considerable for our next day of sightseeing. After a wholesome breakfast prepared by Wendy H. we were off to Cape Spear…..where the oldest surviving lighthouse in Newfoundland is located at the most easterly point of land in North America. It has been restored to its 1839 appearance and shows how a lightkeeper and his family might have lived in the mid-19th century. The Visitor Centre contains exhibits on the history of lighthouses and the tradition of lightkeeping. The site is surrounded by spectacular scenery and wildlife such as whales, seabirds and icebergs in season. We enjoyed wandering around for hours basking in the beautiful sunny day partaking of the spectacular vistas and history.

It was then off to the tiny fishing village of Bay Bulls to ‘O’Brien’s Restaurant’ for some additional seafood delicacies including a robust seafood chowder, caesar salad, pan seared salmon in the restaurant overlooking the bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Much to our surprise we met another couple from Alberta who were here for a convention, but shared another commonality with us. What are the odds of meeting someone, in a restaurant, in Canada’s island province who not only were thinking of attending the local dog show the next day, but had Shih Tzu also and their dog was sired by one of our dogs. The couple was Kathy & Larry Thomson and we invited them to join us for lunch and talk about our favorite topic “The Shih Tzu’.

It was then back home to do some work and Jenny and Wendy P. bathed out Remi, Melody and Max for the dog show the next day. Wendy H. was busy preparing a gourmet dinner while ‘the old man’ Richard had a nap in the family room. Dinner started with a ‘baked brie’ delight with a medley of Italian breads. Next was a gigantic garden salad with fresh fruit and raspberry vinaigrette served in the main dining room with relaxing instrumental piano music of Jim Brinkman in the background. This was followed by a delicious dinner of marinated ‘Caribbean Jerk” shrimp skewered and done on the barbeque and a mouthwatering ‘filet mignon’ steak accompanied by oven roasted red potatoes and assorted vegetables. Of course this was accompanied by a selection of red wines. We were pleased to have Wendy’s husband Jeff able to join us for this gastronomical delight. We took a brief respite from eating to exercise the dogs and puppies but returned to the table to sample the variety of specialty cheesecakes that Wendy H. had served with fresh coffee and aperitifs.Sleep came easy after a very enjoyable feast.